Seminar w. Hanna LIljefors – Freedom of religion lit up in the public square? The Qur’an Burnings in Swedish Press
In recent years, several Qur’ans have been burned in Sweden. These Qur’an burnings have been part of demonstrations aimed at criticizing Islam and Muslims in Sweden but have simultaneously played directly into larger security policy developments such as Sweden’s NATO application. The reactions have been strong, both in Sweden – in the form of riots and counter-demonstrations – and internationally. Swedish flags have been burned, embassies stormed, and the UN has criticized Sweden’s handling of the issue.
The Qur’an burnings have also been widely covered and debated in Swedish media. The seminar offers two presentations of research on the reporting of Qur’an burnings in the Swedish press. First, Mia Lövheim will present her research on how media coverage of the Qur’an burnings reveals tensions between different actors and values in a religiously diverse society such as Sweden, followed by Hanna Liljefors and Linnea Jensdotter presenting their study on how the Bible has been used in the media debate about Qur’an burnings, as a reference to increase or decrease polarization in the debate. After both presentations, a panel discussion will be held, where the question will be discussed further together with researchers active at CTR.
13:15 – Welcome!
13:20 – The ‘Qur’an Crisis’ in the Swedish Press: Negotiating Freedom of Speech in a Mediatized and Religiously Diverse Society
Mia Lövheim, Professor in Sociology of Religion, Uppsala University
14:00 – The Burning Qur’an and the Cool Bible: Representation of Scripture(s) in the Swedish Media Debate on the Qur’an Burnings
Hanna Liljefors, Postdoctoral Researcher in Bible, Politics and Culture, CTR, Lund University
Linnea Jensdotter, Postdoctoral Researcher in Sociology of Religion, CTR, Lund University
14:40 – Coffee Break
15:00 – Panel Discussion followed by an Open Discussion
Panel Participants:
Johan Cato, Senior Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University
Kristina Myrvold, Visiting Professor in History of Religions, CTR, Lund University
Mia Lövheim, Professor in Sociology of Religion, Uppsala University
Hanna Liljefors, Postdoctoral Researcher in Bible, Politics and Culture, CTR, Lund University