What can biblical reception do?
Biblical Reception Workshop
Tuesday 9 May
9.45-10 Welcome
10-10.45 Erin Runions (Pomona College), Biblical Reception Criticism as Transformative Justice
10.45-11.30 Mikael Larsson (Uppsala University), Biblical Reception – from Rewritten Bible to Incel Propaganda
11.30-12 Break
12-12.45 Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer (Örebro School of Theology), Literary Fiction as Exegesis: How Literary Retellings can Shed New Light on a Biblical Text and its Interpretations
12.45-1.45 Lunch
1.45-14.30 James Crossley (MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society), The Bible beyond Biblical Studies
14.30-15.15 Göran Eidevall (Uppsala University), Biblical Reception as a Multidisciplinary Field
15.15-15.45 Fika
15.45-16.30 Jennifer Nyström (Gothenburg University), Going Empirical: Bible Reading Interviews – Notes from Fieldwork in Jerusalem
16.30-17.15 Terje Stordalen (Oslo University), Pilot Project: Reflections on Biblical Motifs in Norwegian Newspapers 1920 – 2020
17:15-18:00 Ola Wikander (Lund University), Psalms, Circles and Hermetic Hymns in the Theurgy of the Élus Coëns
18.30 Reception
Wednesday 10 May
9-9.45 Karin Neutel (Umeå University), How can Biblical Reception contribute to the Discursive Study of Religion?
9.45-10.30 Andrew Mein (St Andrews), Questions and Answers in Biblical Reception
10.30-11 Coffee Break
11-11.45 Brennan Breed (Columbia Theological Seminary), A Mad Tea Party: Reception History as an ‘Ideal Game’
11.45-12.30 Valérie Nicolet (Institut Protestant de Théologie), Illiberal Democracies and Law in Pauline Protestant Scholarship: An Unholy Alliance
12.30-12.45 Closing remarks
12.45 Lunch